Monday, November 9, 2009
It's finals week and it seems that there isnt enuf time for me to study... It has always been a last minute for me to study all my subject. If only i am able to rid myself of this habit and really just get myself to focus on finishing-today's work rather than leaving it for the next day. Then, there wouldnt be so less time left for me... Lately, i got the feeling that every1's excelled in their paper except me. They would kept on talking on the paper when it's already over like they wont survive even a minute without mentioning it. Just DROP it ppl! It's already passed and there's nothing more for u to do! I have been getting used to sleeping late since the finals week began and now i find myself wide awake in the wee hours of the morning... SIGH
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Another 1
Yet another day spent in the library.. Does it never have an ending to this cycle? If only time really flies as they said when u really wish them to be... Time is flying too slow for my taste now...
Friday, November 6, 2009
The past few days experience..
Have u seen the movie 'The Day After Tmr'? How the world was being destructed by the natural disaster in our world? Well, i think i'm experiencing my very own version of the day after tmr except that the natural disaster in this episode is the never-ending finals, assignments, reports and wait a minute, endless sleepless nights! I couldn't rmbr the last time i really had a really good night sleep since last month. Everyday it's either rushing the assignments or burning the midnight oil for tmr's presentation which leads to the short-few-hours of sleep per day. You would thought that everything will be over once we hit the Finals week. Wrong. Even when you're sitting for your finals you'd still have to worry about the assignment that you have not completed yet and not forgetting the report that you have to do for the specific project.
In my almost 3-years studying in this varsity, this semester is officially the busiest semester that i have ever had. Forget about me mentioning how busy i was for the past semesters. This semester is the real deal to date and i have a crunch that this condition will last until the day i graduate from here. Speaking of graduating, I'm still wondering if i am able to get the graduating-in-1st-honors scholarship in the Budget (I'm not sure if i mention this correctly or not, but, i heard that it's frm the Budget M'sia.. Right?) Anyways, i've been trying hard to study for this finals these few days, unfortunately, i jus cant get my head right into focusing what i'm studying. Whenever i tried to study a chapter or a topic, my mind would stray somewhere else... If only they have invented a meachanical device where we can store all the data that we have studied into our brain... That would make our life whole lot easier wouldn't it?
Here, i would like to thank those who have wished me during my birthday and special thanks go out to Man Kit for coming all the way over here to celebrate with me. Really appreciate it. Also, thank you to lisa, khai yean and kian siong. You guys are the best. For some1 to celebrate their birthday, i actually celebrated mine 2 days in a row.. It was kinda depressing when you have to sit for a paper during your birthday and not to mention you are not allowed to go out celebrate just because u have another paper coming up the next day. So, i cant help but feel a lil' stress out and maybe a tinge of sadness.
In my almost 3-years studying in this varsity, this semester is officially the busiest semester that i have ever had. Forget about me mentioning how busy i was for the past semesters. This semester is the real deal to date and i have a crunch that this condition will last until the day i graduate from here. Speaking of graduating, I'm still wondering if i am able to get the graduating-in-1st-honors scholarship in the Budget (I'm not sure if i mention this correctly or not, but, i heard that it's frm the Budget M'sia.. Right?) Anyways, i've been trying hard to study for this finals these few days, unfortunately, i jus cant get my head right into focusing what i'm studying. Whenever i tried to study a chapter or a topic, my mind would stray somewhere else... If only they have invented a meachanical device where we can store all the data that we have studied into our brain... That would make our life whole lot easier wouldn't it?
Here, i would like to thank those who have wished me during my birthday and special thanks go out to Man Kit for coming all the way over here to celebrate with me. Really appreciate it. Also, thank you to lisa, khai yean and kian siong. You guys are the best. For some1 to celebrate their birthday, i actually celebrated mine 2 days in a row.. It was kinda depressing when you have to sit for a paper during your birthday and not to mention you are not allowed to go out celebrate just because u have another paper coming up the next day. So, i cant help but feel a lil' stress out and maybe a tinge of sadness.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
It's been a long time...
Howdy bloggers!! It's been such a long time since i've been here.. It's long enough that i almost forgot i have an account over here. Assignments, projects and tests have been occupying most of my time of late and i barely have time to catch some breath anymore. This semester seems to be the shortest semester that i have ever been through for the 2 years that i've been in this uni and there's only one word for it - FOR REAL?!
Anyhow, i'm lucky enough to slip in for a few get-outs and movie nights in between. Thanfully i'm still able to do these although it's not on a frequent basis. Was studying in the library yesterday when i suddenly came across the announcement where the PTPTN will be converted to scholarship for graduates when they hit the 1st honours mark starting in year 2010. Well, at first i thought i might have a chance since my CGPA so far is still considerably goood. Everything crumbles when later at night i found out that the 1st honours mark in my uni is 3.71.
God damn it. Since when it has changed to 3.71? I always thought that the 1st honour mark is 3.5 here. Well, there goes my too-good-for-me scholarship. Now, i have to work myself harder to reach that mark. For the last few days, i haven been to anywhere except sit myself at home rushing all the assignments and the projects. Not to mention the presentations as well. I've got to say, some of the lecturers actually did this on purpose - giving you tonnes of assignments and whatever crap they can think of. Whatever their notions are i'm not seeing it now but i certainly am wearing myself out doing them. Not getting sufficient sleep almost everyday and always stealing time here and there just to get a chance to get a nap as though sleeping has become something illegal in my life. I thought they said varsity life would be easier than STPM? I certainly am not feeling it now.. In fact, i felt worse than bfore..
It's 25th today and th first paper for my finals will be on the 2nd. Just finished my tests earlier in the day and i have to say i really salute to my coursemates. If u dun know how to answer the questions and still managed to do some part of it is still ok. But then, when u're actually there in the exam hall copying word by word of what i've written then that's different story. I wont deny that i did not pisses me off. Copying all the way is definitely a NO-NO. Also, i've learned that we shud not always trusts the tips that were given to us unless it's from ur lecturer. U nvr know whether they can be trusted or not and it would really waste ur time studying it when it did not even come out in the test.
The first reaction when i got my finals timetable has been Oh No. For those who know me well u'd probably know what i meant. Once again, i have to spend my birthday studying for this year as well. Who would've thought it'd be this coincident? Not to mention i have another paper the day after. Last year, i have to spend my brithday sitting one of the paper that screwed my result - Materials in Engineering. This year, the same thing as well except that the paper that i'm sitting for will be - Ergonomics in Design. Thankfully enough, my lecturer have almost gave all the tips there are on the paper. I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed that i'll be able to score well this semester to be closer to the oh-so-high scholarship.
Anyhow, i'm lucky enough to slip in for a few get-outs and movie nights in between. Thanfully i'm still able to do these although it's not on a frequent basis. Was studying in the library yesterday when i suddenly came across the announcement where the PTPTN will be converted to scholarship for graduates when they hit the 1st honours mark starting in year 2010. Well, at first i thought i might have a chance since my CGPA so far is still considerably goood. Everything crumbles when later at night i found out that the 1st honours mark in my uni is 3.71.
God damn it. Since when it has changed to 3.71? I always thought that the 1st honour mark is 3.5 here. Well, there goes my too-good-for-me scholarship. Now, i have to work myself harder to reach that mark. For the last few days, i haven been to anywhere except sit myself at home rushing all the assignments and the projects. Not to mention the presentations as well. I've got to say, some of the lecturers actually did this on purpose - giving you tonnes of assignments and whatever crap they can think of. Whatever their notions are i'm not seeing it now but i certainly am wearing myself out doing them. Not getting sufficient sleep almost everyday and always stealing time here and there just to get a chance to get a nap as though sleeping has become something illegal in my life. I thought they said varsity life would be easier than STPM? I certainly am not feeling it now.. In fact, i felt worse than bfore..
It's 25th today and th first paper for my finals will be on the 2nd. Just finished my tests earlier in the day and i have to say i really salute to my coursemates. If u dun know how to answer the questions and still managed to do some part of it is still ok. But then, when u're actually there in the exam hall copying word by word of what i've written then that's different story. I wont deny that i did not pisses me off. Copying all the way is definitely a NO-NO. Also, i've learned that we shud not always trusts the tips that were given to us unless it's from ur lecturer. U nvr know whether they can be trusted or not and it would really waste ur time studying it when it did not even come out in the test.
The first reaction when i got my finals timetable has been Oh No. For those who know me well u'd probably know what i meant. Once again, i have to spend my birthday studying for this year as well. Who would've thought it'd be this coincident? Not to mention i have another paper the day after. Last year, i have to spend my brithday sitting one of the paper that screwed my result - Materials in Engineering. This year, the same thing as well except that the paper that i'm sitting for will be - Ergonomics in Design. Thankfully enough, my lecturer have almost gave all the tips there are on the paper. I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed that i'll be able to score well this semester to be closer to the oh-so-high scholarship.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I did not realize that it's almost been a month since i last updated my blog. It only came to my mind when Fauz asked me why hasn't there any new blogs from me. Well, for the last month all i've been doing was rushing assignments and the never-ending tests. You would have thought that going through all these rushing you are prompted to participate in the tug and war( i dun know wat it's called. Apparently my vocab is failing on me..). For starter, things have certainly been surprising and interesting. For the first few weeks of September, it was either doing my assignments or rushing for the monthly tests. Well, of course there's occasional plurking and facebook-ing and maybe Messenger-ing. Then, comes the time for the mid-term break/raya break. I dun know whether it's a blessing or an unfortunate thing, but, for this raya break we got an extended few more days for the 12-days break. Which means we are only left with a few days for our study break. Anyways, for this break me and my uni-mates have decided to stay over in one of my friends house for the weekend. You can say this come sort of like an anticipation for us. Honestly, have any1 of you ever heard of Sekinchan? If you do know then you are lucky, but, i for one has never even heard of it let alone been there. I've been telling every1 that i'll be going to my friend's house for a few days and it's in kl. KL?! It's far frm KL. Frm wat i've experienced, you would need at least a few hours before you actually reach KL. And from this i mean the border line of the city. To be in the center of the city, you might want to consider adding one more hour into the journey. Anyway, what's really caught me off guard was my laptop. For no reason, my laptop has decided to go all facial-disfigured on me. This was the night earlier before i'm going back to my hometown. Fixing it means costing me a few hundreds to get a new set of LCD screen for it. Since it wouldn't be worth fixing it at the moment, i'm lucky enuf to get a new one instead which of course would eventually cost hell of a fortune out of me. If earning money is as easy as spending it and i'm not even working! Now, i'm back in Ayer Keroh awaiting for all my assignments due dates to arrive.. If only condition will get better for a change...
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Do u ever get the feeling of just leaving a place and end up in a place with total strangers around you and dont have a care for the world on what you're doing? How i would like to just be able to leave here and go to somewhere where there wasn't anyone there who knows me and be able to live a free life instead - stress free that is. Nic once told me that if you want something hard enough you would do anything to get it, but, it always comes down to one thing - money. How thw heck are you going to go some place without a penny in your pocket?
Can't say i haven thought of earning my way through the journey, but, even a child would say that's not practical wouldn't it? Just the other day, my cousin sis told me that she's finally resigned from her work and is going to Australia for some time while waiting for her boyfriend to settle in Washington. Now, this would make you think - why the hell are they able to do all this that you can't? It's quite simple actually, it's either that's your fault or there's something that went wrong somewhere in between that you didn't know.
As if going through a hectic life in the uni is not enough that i still have to worry about so many things in life. Sometimes you wished you could just kill yourself off and be done with it for a moment. Once again, I'm just going to say that i'm alright. So, for whoever who reads this, you dont have to worry about a thing. It's not like i'm going to kill myself off the moment this post ended. I'm just trying to express wat i felt once in awhile if not verbally.
Some of you might say - why not just get everything out and share it with some one else. For some, it might be a way to get solutions that you alone will not be able to figure out. But, i was not brought up that way. I wasn't taught to express myself whenever i faced any problems and more importantly i've grown used to keeping my own thoughts to myself except when there are times that i really can't stand it. So, if you really want to help, the best way would be just leave me alone for awhile instead of asking me 'What's the matter?'. Truth be told, i'm never comfortable with that phrase. It just feels awkward even when it came from my own family. Even when i answer you, it would be a lie.
But then again, everyone's living a lie. Don't they?
Saturday, August 15, 2009
It's officially the third now since the gut-wrenching stomachache began. Am still trying to figure out wat i ate the last few days. At the moment, the prime suspect to this is the 'bubur cha-cha'. You can say it's my own fault and my foolish non-stop-eating mouth anyway. Who would've thought an innocent looking bowl of 'bubur cha-cha' can put me thru this horrifying experience. What happened as a cooling dessert turned out to be a nightware. It has been blistering over here in Malacca for the last few days, so, wat happened was my roommate (being a moderate cooker as he is) had prepared dessert - the infamous bubur cha-cha for every1 the previous night. I dun know whether it's fortunate or unfortunate that he prepared quite a large portion.. As usual, every1 was not able to finish the whole thing off, so, we left the unfinished dessert in the fridge. Well, wat happened the next day was i suddenly had a knack for something cool for the hot afternoon, so, i went to look around in the fridge and found a whole pot full of bubur cha-cha. The whole thing does look a bit sticky at the same time yucky when you first took it out of the fridge, but, since it's cool and i help myself to a bowl of it. Half way through eating that i was beginning to feel a bit stuffed so i went to the kitchen and boiled the whole thing again. Only then does the whole thing tastes right. I guess it's all too late now huh?? Right or not right i've already got wat i deserved eating uncooked food from the fridge. This is only one of the suspect. The others that i have in mind could be the spicy chicken patty that my housemate cooked the other night. Being a not-so-spicy eater, it's always been known that i can't take food that are too spicy. God knows wat would happen after that right? But since that night, out of the blue, i was feeling hungry as a wolf, stuffed myself with one of those spicy chicken patty and the spicy noodles. Well, ever since that day i've been having stomach ache till today. I've already lost count on the times i wen to the bathroom.. Only myself to blame for this huh? Maybe lisa was right - i shouldn't be so 'tan chi' haha..
P/S : F, u're not helping in the facebook!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Everything that's bad.
If coming back to your own house feeling tired and exhausted is not enough, maybe you should try coming home to one that looks like it's been muggled and looking like a rubbish dump. Even my dog stays in a cleaner environment than this. Seriously, it doesn't take that long a time to reach the rubbish bin. If that's not enough, try coming home to a house where there're papers scattered all over the table and wires snaking through here and there. There. IS THAT ANNOYING OR DISGUSTING? I dun know which i felt more now.
It has been tiring and somewhat crazy for the past few days that i think i'm going to go all 'koo-koo-in-the-head' all too soon. Honestly, can somebody please help enlighten me? Sleeping late IS bad enough. Not getting enough sleep almost everyday IS bad enough. Occasional headaches IS bad enough. Not leaving out worrying about the assignments are bad enough. And now the last thing that i really need is to come back to a home that i need to worry as well. Here i was thinking home is a place that you can come back to relax...
Out of the blue, there seems to be a trend going on around lately. The slimming method or should i say the express way to diet. It really amazes me of the extent that people are willing to go to achieve that particularly goal. I'm not trying to say that it's bad or anything since the choice is theirs to make - just hope that in the end it's worthwhile. For some, they would consort to eating vegetables as their only input for the whole day. Not exactly all green but with occasional meat here and there (but that can be considered seldom).
For me, i don't think that's even necessary. I've never been the thinnest one and i've never been the thickest one. Once upon a time i might have use that as the last resort to lose all those weight that i once have, but come to think of it, my weight has been the weight that i have for the years past that i couldn't recall. Well, for those of you out there - hope all your efforts will be paid off and all the best. For the others - KEEP THE GOD DAMN HOUSE CLEAN! Don't be such a F.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Do u still remember the resolution that you would have at the beginning of each year? What you are going to do. Which habit that you're going to rid yoursef of? Some might to the extreme extent to have theirs written out to remind themselves. Well, i have bunch of resolutions over the past few years but none were actually done by me. For most of us, resolutions were made when we are reaching new year. As they say, new year new life right? So it is only right that we make resolutions at the beginning of each year.
But what about those who study in university? Of course it's the new resolutions at the beginning of each semester right? Ironic huh? Making resolutions twice a year. I dun know why but a sudden thought suddenly prompted me to write a post about having resolution. In fact, the thought came to my mind when i was washing the dishes awhile ago. So, what resolutions that an undergraduates have? From my own point of view and in fact quite a few times, the first and foremost have to be getting a better result each semester.
Getting a better result? Who am i kidding? How am i suppose to get good result when i wasn't even paying much of my attention during lectures let alone getting into the Dean List? The second that comes to mind would have to be not getting anything done at the last minute. Once again.. AM I KIDDING MYSELF? Truth be told, i've been trying very hard to get rid of this habit since the beggining but to no avail. Seriously. Who will finish everything on the spot? Look at the adults. U dun see them finish everything on the same day. It will always be there's time tmr.. Hmm... U think that's y we've grown accustomed to this excuse was bcoz of the adults? Wat a mystery to be solved.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Back down or stay strong?
Life is a peculiar thing isn't it? One minute you find yourself enjoying the most of it and almost in an instant without any warning you're being thrown into the 'Life sucks' zone. Here i am wondering if i am the only one on this planet that felt this way.
Just a few days earlier something must have got onto my nerve, for no reason i was laughing non stop that i can barely stop even when i'm eating. Talk about embarassment. That time i was eating in McD with the whole people staring at me mouth stuffed laughing non-stop. Embarassing? No sir. None taken. In fact, i actually felt good about it. Felt good on how i was able to laugh without a care for the world on what they would think about me. Seriously folks, how often in life are u able to do that? U can't do it in the public places. U don't do that while u're in the class. U most definitely won't do that in places which people considered as 'High Class'. Well, as for me - it's all the same. When i want to laugh i will. What for u want to hold it back in when u can get it all out? The best therapy in the world i must say.
Laughing is the best medicine they say. What happens when u find urselfcan't laugh no more one day. What would they say then? U don't laugh when you've lost some1.. U don't laugh when some1 annoys u.. U certainly won't laugh when u know some1 didn't keep their promise.. What would u do then? What would u do to make urself laugh like u used to? In some way, laughing does seems like a way of releasing all ur emo and ur stress when u're on the brink of going crazy. No wonder i've been feeling crazy lately. Could this mean i'm on the brink of going crazy? Hopefully they won't lock me up in chains though..
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Whirlwind of a Week
Guten Tag! That's the basic greeting in German which stands for good day. Given that my command in this language is limited, that is all i know for the moment. But dun fret though, there will be a day that i am able to fully communicate in German!
The new semester has begun and so far everything is going well except for the assignments that was hurl at us in the very beginning. So far, i've been assigned with 2 projects which i have no idea on wat it requires or whatsoever. Hopefully i will be able to be rid of myself of the last minute habit which i've seem to gained over the semester... HAHA
Since there wasn't any night class for me in this semester, so, we went to preview the premier for the latest Harry Potter installment - Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince. I have to say though that although the movie is okay overall, but, it wasn't as interesting as i've expected it to be. From the start, the show is the very typical HP that we've seen over and over again. In the latest installment, there's a lot of scenes that shows us the infatuation (i dun know if this word is the right one or not) between the main characters that we have grown familiar over the last few ones. The only feedback from the movie that i got from my friend straight away after the show was that there was no climax in this one that many had expected. As usual, the experience is totally different when u had read the book compared to watching the show for the first time.
For those who've seen me these few days, you must've noticed the acne's that i have growing out on my face for the past few days. Part of it can be blamed on the schedule that i have since the new semester in the uni has begun and part of it was the food intake that i had for the past few weeks. It was always fried nuggets, fried eggs, fried mee, and everything fried all together that i've lost count of what i took. Aside from this, it was probably the lack of sleep as well. For no reason, the headaches always get to me whenever i'm in MALACCA.. HAHA. It does beginning to get me wondering if there's anything wrong with this place or maybe it is cursed... HAHAHA
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Lonely Night Out
As some of you might have known, i was in 1U yesterday window shopping by myself.. Yes! BY MYSELF. Never had i thought that going shopping alone is such a dissastrous thing to do! (For those who planned to say 'You should've asked me instead' - especially those wit the name KS, pls dun.. U know i wont :(( ) Anyway, when i was there, the first shop that i wen was (no surprise) MPH. I dun know why, but, whenever i'm in a shopping complex the first thing that i would look for is usually the book shop. Something about books that fascinate me.. Hmm.. I wonder...
Well, last night was suppose to be a couple's night for my cousin sis and her bf. Unfortunately for them, i've decided to bug in as well. Who could blame me? After all, it'll be so damn boring for me to spend my whole night in the condo and and watch tv. So, before we wen to 1U we had dinner in SS2. Earlier i planned to ask one of my uni mates to come hang out. Sadly, he cant make it so all i can do was 'loaf' around 1u all alone. Ironically, wat i had in mind was 'Wat a good name this place is'. 1U=one you.
While my cousin sis and her bf was off to go Terminator, i was left (by my own will) walking around 1U browsing through each and every shop available there. Well, at first i was quite enjoying myself going through all the clothes hanging on the shelf and trying on the displayed shoes. As the time goes by, it was really getting silly for me to come and go out of each shop everytime empty handed. Coincidently, there wasn't many ppl there in 1U. So, whenever i'm in a shop all the shop assistant would follow me around. At some point, it made me look silly and i can almost feel that my face is hot wit red.
Fortunately, i was able to find a flip while i was in Zara. At first, i planned not to buy it. Well, who could've blamed me? I wouldn't wan to spend the money that i've earned for the past week on something that i might not even need ( Btw the flip that i'm wearing is not that worn out yet..). Looking at the flip flop i was intrigued to buy it and after a consulting a few opinions wit Fauz, i've finally decided to buy it. Maybe this is wat you would call guilty pleasure? Straight away after i bought the flip flop, i was working out the mathematics in my mind calculating the money that i've left for me to spend before the uni reopens.
After that, i went on to window shopping around the complex before heading to the cinema to meet up wit my cousin sis. As i was on my way, i bumped into one of my fren's classmate. At first, i couldn't quite bring myself to recognize her but at second glance i was sure that she's my fren's fren. You thought that since it's someone u (even if they dun know you but seen you in the school before they would at least give u a smile) knew they would come over and say hi or at least they would jus give u a waveor something. If you thought that then you're wrong. The only expression that i got frm her was staring at me for a few seconds before giving me the look like i'm some monster and turned away. I wanted to smile at her but seeing the way that she gave i've decided to ignore her as well and continue on my way.
The story doesn't end there. When i was at the cinema, i was standing by the escalator while waiting for my cousin sis and once again i bumped into that fren. To my surprise, she was standing hand-in-hand wit one of my secondary classmate on the escalator. It's either my ex-classmate didn't see me or he could not recognize me or maybe he thinks that i'm not worthy enuf to be his fren (which in any case i was sure he saw me..), both of them jus pass by me for the second time making their way to the ticket booth. After a few minutes, i bumped into them for the third time and like before both of them looked at me and turned away.
Seriously, is that even necessary? Call me dramatic or anything u want but dun u think that's a bit impolite? If i dun know u then at least i wouldn't have labeled it as impolite and come on we were classmate last time? Not even a 'Hi'? That's the thing about ppl.. One time they can be very good to you and the next thing u know they would jus ignore u on the streets. Just this morning, F sms-ed me saying that he saw my ex-F6 classmate but she pretended to not recognize him and looked away. This is the one thing that i dun get about frens. Would u still call urself some1 else's fren when u would ignore them? For me, i'm the kind that can be very impatient most of the time. So, when the message that i've sent was not replied i wouldn't even bother trying the next time. (So, if there's any1 out there that i've ignored ur message.. Well, u knows what happened..)..
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
What's going on?
As usual, i woke up at 730 am to get ready for work. After getting everything done, i would then have my breakfast which normally consists of fruit juice (according to my aunty there's a kind of fruit mixed which helps to reduce the blood pressure), a cup of milo, two peices of bread and others (depending on wat the bought the day before). Usually, i end up over-stuffed myself on the breakfast and coming to the office with stomachache. Like every other day, i would sit on the sofa and watch the TV while my aunty get ready. Just when i was about to switch on the TV, my aunty suddenly asked - 'What is wrong wit the government? Why are they making so many problems?'
At first, i did not really get wat she said as i haven read the newspaper yet. So, i jus simply replied ' Since when they dun?' haha.. Then, later on when i came to the office and after having done all the task at hand did i find time to sit down and read the paper. As usual, our government makes headlines at the front page of the paper. You can nvr miss it. If today was any other day, i would've skipped this section as my dad would always say ' It's jus wasting your time to read what the government have done'.
Well, since i was being very inquisitive as usual, so i went on and read about the article. Truth be told, the article did not get much of my attention at all. They are mainly about how one of the minister got kicked out of the parliament and wearing a headband that says BUBAR DUN. Then there were a few on the opposing party that are against the government and some underground organisation going on. But what really caught my attention was the one that says our government is using Twitter. OUR GOVERNMENT?? TWITTER?? SERIOUS??
When i read that i was seriously taken aback. Apparently some of the minister straight away tweet on the parliament incident on the spot. Even the government uses Twitter, i wonder if i should introduce this network to my parents.. Well, to be honest i jus signed up to Twitter a few weeks back. At first, my close pals introduced it to me but i was stubborn enough to say no blankly. You never know if you never try it. Now, i would tweet frm the web with every chance i get. What can i say, u can never tell what ppl are thinking.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The 2nd Week
First thing first, ever since my semester break started the past few weeks have been the only time where i have to force myself to get out of the bed at 730 in the morning. Truth be told, the first day of working was really disastrous for me. Waking up early in the morning has been an awfully hard task for me in the first place, then, came the nerve of wondering when will i be scolded for my mistakes next and kept counting the hours till it's time to go home.
Finally, when i'm back home i did not even get a chance to sleep early and it's all thanks to my cousin brother whom i'm sharing the bed with. Not only did he not letting me sleep early at night, it was his snoring that made me wake up every three hour in the middle of the night. Well, thanks to the snoring my sleep was affected and each and every morning i felt like i dun have enough sleep at all.
Friday, June 12, 2009
One hell of a weekend
Well, as some of you might have known, i'm currently working in my aunty's office. So far, everything's been going along smoothly (jus a few mistakes here and there.). But honestly, time really flies when you are most busy. Just a few days ago, I jus started to work over here and now it feels like it's jus yesterday that i came here.
While i was having my breakfast this morning, my aunty suddenly came over and told me that she wans me to come over for another week because there's another pitching that she needs to do. Apparently, this one is kinda big and since i've helped done a lil' research on it so hopefully there's no mistake coming out of it.
For the first time in many months, this afternoon was the first time that i laid foot on 1U since i cant rmbr how long.. Since today there's not much work to do, so, we have decided to go over to 1U to have our lunch. At first, it was decided that we go to The Gradens but then my lousy cousin sis said she wans to eat 'Vinegar Pork Leg' (or watever u call it..) and we ended up in 1U. For those of you who've never been there, you should give it a try, it's really that good. The name of the restaurant is called 'Oriental Cravings' if i'm not mistaken. It's the one next to the GAP shop. :)
While i was having my breakfast this morning, my aunty suddenly came over and told me that she wans me to come over for another week because there's another pitching that she needs to do. Apparently, this one is kinda big and since i've helped done a lil' research on it so hopefully there's no mistake coming out of it.
For the first time in many months, this afternoon was the first time that i laid foot on 1U since i cant rmbr how long.. Since today there's not much work to do, so, we have decided to go over to 1U to have our lunch. At first, it was decided that we go to The Gradens but then my lousy cousin sis said she wans to eat 'Vinegar Pork Leg' (or watever u call it..) and we ended up in 1U. For those of you who've never been there, you should give it a try, it's really that good. The name of the restaurant is called 'Oriental Cravings' if i'm not mistaken. It's the one next to the GAP shop. :)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
A Temp in KL
After many days of keeping myself at home i've finally landed myself as a temp in my aunty's office here in Mont Kiara. I'll be working for a week over here before going back to Sban. I'm still not sure if coming to work over here is a good idea (since every1 kept telling me that there's tonnes of work to do over here and you have to get them done fast!) but for the last few hours - everything's been smooth for me so far. Had an outing wit N and F yesterday and they mentioned if we should continue wit our buffet at the hilton since i blew the whole thing off earlier.. Well guys, if my pay is sufficient for me to indulge then i might consider it.. But dun keep your hopes too high though :)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Heading to Sarawak
Well actually the big day's tmr but since i wont be taking my laptop along wit me so i figured might as well i write it now then another one after the one-week trip. Today my roommate came over to sban and will be staying over night here. We will be taking the ktm to the nilai station then transit the shuttle bus to LCCT. That's wat my dad told me but i'm not sure whether they have the shuttle bus or not.. So if any1 has any idea pls let me know asap. As weird as it sounds but i'm completely clueless of what's nice to eat over here in sban... The only delicacy that we have is the seremban siew pau and my fren's probably over it since i bought it back to malacca for so many times already. Other than the sban siew pau, the beef noodle is not bad as well. At least that's what i thought cause that's one of my favourite dish in town. Well, besides that we have the pork porridge in Temiang which is not bad as well. I did asked for my dad's opinion and he suggested hakka noodle. Although i like it, but, given the current weather i dun think i'd like to go there-there's no air con, the shop is open air but it's very stuffy inside and one of the reason why my dad suggested it so that my fren will be able to see the owner couple fight wit each other while preparing the dish. Besides these, we do have the fish head noodle but that would be over in Segamat which is quite far frm my house (apparently there's a better one in AST according to my fren.). Anyway, i thought of many place to go but in the end we end up going to jusco to have our lunch in Ichiban together with Shin Yi... Fortunately for me i've jus finished packing and now only left the petty stuff that's yet to be pack. Hopefully this trip will be exciting :)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Lesson Learned
After the last few days incident, i really dun know what to do or should i say i dun know how to face my parents and my 'brother' now. I have to admit that i really did not expect them to treat me this way but heck what do u expect when your mum feels that your elder brother is her golden child right? So, i jus have to accept my own fate and get over it. For those of you who have seen the previous blog before this, well, i've deleted it. It's too selfish of me to be trashing my own family with a blog. From what i've learned today, after the half-an-hour long lecturing from my friend. I have to admit that i've been really soft on everything. Maybe it's time that i learned how to stand up for myself instead of jus relying on every1 else. Although this might take a while but hopefully i'm able to grow out of the shell that i've been hiding in all these years.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Sometimes it really makes me wonder did i really did something bad that the god have to punish me with all the bad things that's ever happened in my life.. I don't recall doing anything bad or hurtful to any1 in my life (except maybe those petty stuffs..) and if i really did dun u think that i've suffered enough for it already? Life as i have seen from today is not hard. It's god damn F***ing hard and let me tell u.. It's most hard when u found out that u cant really trust the people that u've been calling family for 22 years. Yes. 22 god damn years and this is what i get.. So much for being a family huh? Seriously, what the hell did i do that i have to be treated this way? Don't i deserve to have some peace of my own? Haven't i suffered enough for this already? What i actually found out today is that your close friends is sometimes you can actually call family. I don't know about you guys out there but i'm actually real grateful that i'm able to find close friends that will always be there for me when i'm in trouble or when i'm feeling down (although they sometimes makes me feel like i'm nothing but a dumbshit... but that's ok.. I can get past that..). And here i'd like to clarify that forget about those shitty phrase that your family is better than your friends.. From what i saw-some of my family are actually worst than my friends.. So i hope whoever that came up with that phrase can eat their own words and rot in hell. OH yes.. For those of you who've been treating me bad.. YES.. YOU... You can join and rot in hell as well.. May the GOD DAMN YOU. :)
Monday, May 4, 2009
The Ever-So-Long Break
Who would have thought that i would be so darn boring when you're having your semester break huh? Long before the semester break every1 was so excited that they are finally getting their deserved rest at last.. Who knows it turns out that it's more than they thought. At least that's what i'm feeling now.. I have to cramped up inside my room and do a series-marathon (learned from F and N) everyday plus the occasional PS2.. Seriously, can it be any lamer? Anyway, i've been telling myself to work on that resume for my coming LI. Unfortunately for me, it's been two weeks now since my semester break started and i have not started anything yet let alone looking for the appropriate jobs.. Anyway, this reminded me that i did said that i was going to jog during this semester break to lose the excess wieght.. Guess this doesn't work out as well.. SIGH
Sunday, April 26, 2009
My long-deserved holiday..
Alright it's been a while since i last came over to write something here and i guess it's time to continue doing it now since the semester break started!!! The last few weeks have been the most intense week that i've ever been in my whole varsity life. Before this it was al relaxation during the finals.. Unfortunately, the time has come on to me to compensate for all those relaxation. This semester saw me taking up 7 subs and 2 out of the 7 requires no final. Sounds easy huh? Who would have thought that i'd be more busy without the finals?? No wonder they invented the phrase - 'Nothing is EASY'.. Now i know why.. For the past few weeks i had been working on this group file for my PDD which stands for Product Design and Development. Well, the work is simple. Jus come up with an idea of a product that you wished to develop and all the expenses are being taken cared of.. At first we thought i would be an easy process since we are only required to produce a tangible product. But, we did not know that there are tonnes of paperwork to be done and i was only able to finish it two days before my semester break starts. Well, that's not the worst part yet. I had to study my every paper at the last minute. Last minute as in the day before the actual paper. It seems that it's only miracle i'll be able to get a good pointer for this semester.. Anyways, the past is the past and now i'm finally able to relax my mind for AWHILE. Yup, i have to start doing my resume and be on the look out for companies for my LI - Industrial Training. Looks like the days of the giddyness and headaches will be on me in no time..
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Deeeeeeee - stress
So there's been sleepless nights for the past 2 weeks and now it has taken its toll on me.. My balancing system is not that balanced anymore (this phrase do ssound a bit weird to my ears..).. I've been feeling giddy for the past few weeks that i felt like fainting at times.. well, all these really have to thank myself for rushing all the assignments and projects in the last minute.. been telling myself since the beginning of the semester that whatever important have to be done ASAP. unfortunately, my instinct jus wont succumb to it. Instead it jus lingers elsewhere and i cant find the mood to finish off watever's at hand.. even for now i'm supposed to be studying for my etnic relation, but, the book is all letters and it makes my head spins around whenever i'm looking at it.. How am i ever going to finish studying this subs?? had a chat wit nic earlier and he wen on to show me the pics taken during his bday celebration in the chilis'. looking at the pics got me thinking how come i was not able to celebrate wit him.. oh ya.. i remembered.. that's because i'm stuck with all these damn projects and assignments and tests!!!! now i'm back in my hometown and i'm still stuck with studying for next week's finals.. seriously, can any1 come help me destress??? i'm in desperate need for it..
Monday, March 23, 2009
Is it a mistake?
After getting on the lighter tone for the previous posts earlier, i've decided to write one on the feelings that i've had these few days. Although last weeks have been a relaxing getaway for me, but still, the feeling of guilt still comes to haunt me now and then. Do u ever feel guilty after u've done/committed something that u're not supposed to but u do it anyway? U knew that something is wrong but you still do it anyway and in the end there's no one to blame for it cause everything will sums up to your own fault.. At least that's what i felt at the moment. It seems that everything i've done lately has come around and got me thinking whether have I done something that i shouldn't have?
Trip to Taiping and Penang
Whenever i get the mood to write a new post i was unable to find the time to do so. Finally, the right time has come and i'm going to flasback on the wildest weekend that i've ever had in these past few weeks. Judging from the title of this post, some of u might ask that what's so exciting over there in taiping. Well, literally it wasn't that exciting over here but i had fun all the same. The fun that i was referring to was the food that i had over here. Over the years, i've been coming to taiping for the chinese celebration - 'Ching Ming' ( i dun know the exact phrase for it but that's wat we call it unless u wan to hear my mum version and she calls it 'ching bing' - i dun know y so dun bother to ask anyway..). Although the food over here are just mediocre, but, it was also the most fulfilling moment for me. I was basically eating the whole time and i've lost count on wat i've consumed on the two days that i've stayed over there. Unfortunately, the only vivid memory that i have was the dinner that i purposely drove all the way to Tambun (which is jus an hour drive from taiping) to have. My friend has introduced to me that they have the best seafoood over there and so my family had decided to give it a try over there. Instead of the wondeful servings that we were promised, the dish that were served to us did not impress us much. In fact, the ones that we have over in PD was way better that those that we had over here..
The restaurant itself
The only dish that's nice out of the five that we had....
I actually hurt my throat will eating this and found out about it when i'm back at home...
Along the way to taiping...
After taiping, we moved on on our journey up north to arrive in penang. And so the parade of eating for me has begun the moment i stepped out of the car. No wonder i've put on so much weight ever since i came back. They dun call penang The Pearl of Orient for nothing apparently.. HAHA.. To me penang has always been the food paradise ( the price was a bit overwhelming though..)
Arriving to penang on the penang bridge (i was only able to capture this still as i was not able to get a clear view of the whole bridge.)..
The soon-to-be open penang Times Square:
The food parade over at Gurney Drives..
The hotel that i stayed in - The Sunway Hotel (we purposely picked this one bcoz there's hawkers stall jus outside the hotel at night!!! YUM YUM!)
My crazy sisters by the pool side. They've been gushing about it so i figured why not take a pic of it ( the pool was only normal, nothing out of the ordinary..)
Seoul Garden
This is the one place that i really enjoyed steamboat-ing in.. At least it has the vibe to it and the food that they have over there is kinda nice. The set up for this restaurant it okay with the vibrant colors around the walls and a few parlours for the food and drinks. What's more - students and those with student cards get to have discount!! As usual, good things dun come easy and there's term and condition for this discount and it is only applicable during the weekdays and it's frm 11 till evening. So, for those who are interested u have better got to time well before going.. Wouldn't wan to miss out on the discounts! HAHA.. Anyways, i still remember the first time i heard about this restaurant was when my roommate told me that there's a korean steamboat around town. As u've would have thought, my first impression was that it's a restaurant by the streets and the way they described it does not at all sounds like what i've seen in person. Well, this was way back in last year when i was still in the first semester of my second year in the varsity. The price was okay and the ambient in the restaurant really sets u in the mood to open up your appetite.
I was only able to capture the image of the drinks parlour as the food department was too near to the reception and i'm worried that i might get caught :)
The stove was placed in the middle of the table giving u the good ol' korea feel to the steamboat
Finally, my friends that i wen together:
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Wednesday 11-March-2009
Now i'm sitting right by the window jus staring at the gloomy sky with the thundering sound signaling that it's gonna rain anytime soon. I really hope that it's going to rain soon so that i can have a clearer mind on what's been going on these few days. What been really going on?? I can't even explain it for myself. It might be the stress of all the projects ans assignments. All i know is lately i've been having a lot of disagreements with the people around me. Family, friends u name it.. Sitting here, i'm supposed to be getting on the report that needs to be handed up in a few days but staring at the sky gave me the sudden urge to jus write out all the feelings that i have in my heart at this moment. Truth be told, i've been fighting with one of my roommates these few days. Honestly, i'm not going to lie about it but it's been awhile since he gave me the impression to start having second thoughts of him being my friend. Not that i dun like him being my friend, but, all the actions and decisions that he's made really opened up my mind and really slapped me back into reality and making me thinking straight. Although i know that we're supposed to forgive and forget, but, sometimes it's easier to said than done. When a gap exists in a relationship, there's really nothing u can do to patch it up that easy and it really takes time. Sometimes even longer. Sometimes u might even think that how come some1 like this will make u feel this way and makes u do all the things that u've done. Sitting here and having a blank mind now, i really dun know what to do.. Sometimes life is hard and it's really hard when u know that u're all alone in this journey that u're taking. But sometimes, when life is that hard u might actually like to have some time alone to urself without any1 to interfere. Life is also damn hard when u're down and u get all kinds of caring that u dun know which one is sincere and which is not. For those of u who were there for me, i feel u. All i can say now is, feeling is jus a real confusing thing. It has to make u feel all twisted inside and let u mend ur own hurt on ur own.. Unfortunately, it is also one of the necessity that u need to move on with your life..
Friday, March 6, 2009
Frankly speaking today has to be the happiest day of my life in these stressful months. Besides coming back home, i finally got to change my phone! Phew. The first word that actually came out of my mouth was F-I-N-A-L-L-Y. After longing for so long to change a new phone, my prayers are finally heard. I had long done surveys on all the phones that i'm interested on way back before i was going to change a new 1. Come to think of it, i can actually make a list of it and the list will just go all the way down. One of my close friends once told me that once i found one that i like i shud jus keep to it instead of comparing with other models. Unfortunately, given the circumstances i was not able to get the phone that i wanted and so all i can do is to jus keep an eye out on the phone that might actually catch my eye. And so, the long awaited day has finally arrived for me. At first i wanted the sony ericsson C902, unfortunately, it was way over my budget so i had to choose another one that actually fits my budget. And then there was W595.
The transition from Motorola E398 to W595:
Motorola 398
Sony Ericsson W595
P/s: Other then getting a new phone, i was quite happy today when i came about the blog written by one of my uni frens. She actually described that she was very happy to have me and my other fren as her coursemate cum crazy friends.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
That's just me..
Have u ever had friends who asked u how come u never care about them when they're being sad or when they're in need of help? I'd like to clarify here that i'm not a heartless person. I do know how it felt when u're sad and alone and there's no one there for u, but, i'm also that kinda person that does not convey my feelings openly. Sometimes i can be real crazy and up to the hype when i'm really in the mood with the right company. Sometimes i can be real quiet and really just wan to be alone an just relax. So, some might say that i'm a weirdo but hey that's just be and there's nothing that i'm going to change about it. Also, i dun like people to be 'poh poh ma ma' 1. If u got anything to say, then, just say it. It's not like i'm going to eat u or something. U do not have to purposely go around the corner to come to the point. U can just tell me up front of what u felt and just get to the point. Sometimes, if i offended u in anyways i would really appreciate it if u tell it to my face. It's better that way cause i would never know when i've offended some1 and for those of u who knows me - i rarely apologise to any1 unless i really felt that i've done something really bad. So, hopefully every1can tolerate all these about me and not trying hard to force me to change the way that i am.. THAT'S JUST ME...
Monday, March 2, 2009
The Vast Blue Sky
Tennis tournament was just around the corner, therefore, my classmate decided to polish my tennis skills with me. Well, i have to admit that after days and weeks of practicing i just cant quite master the techniques of tennis yet.. As one of my friend once said - u have to be an athlete to be able to play like an athlete. So, i guess i'm not an athletic kinda person as i still have a long way to go before i can finally play like an amateur player. Although i kept on telling myself that there's no way that i will be able to play well before the tournament, but, my fren kept on telling me that i'm better than the last time and with a few more practice i will be able to play well.. Unfortunately, instead of focussing on improving my skills my mind actually sways to somewhere else and for a moment i jus lied down on the floor and jus stare at the sky. Staring at the sky made me wonder wouldn't it be an nostalgic feeling to be able to be up on the sky with the clouds floating all around me and be able to see the sunset and sunrise and be away from all the hecticness and worries in my life and especially to be able to be away from this weary world. Being a loyal fan of science fiction, my fren always told me that i'm a weird person as i'm the only one in my circle of friends who reads about sci-fi and most especially interested on subjects related to dragons. The dragons somehow appeals to me as something that is powerful and extraordinary. Anyways, looking at the sky it made me reflect on the life that i'm in right now. Lately, there are choices that i'd like to take but was unable to while there were those where i've chosen but regretted choosing it in the end. Staring at the sky it also made me think that the world is so big that i'm just a little organism staying on top of its surface. So, come to think of it all the problems and worries that i have and might face in the future is small considered with all the troubles that the other part in the world might be facing..
Friday, February 27, 2009
I was in and about this morning at my aunt's house to help her with her chores again. After staying up late last night i really lose all the strength to just walk about for another minute, so, what i did was i pulled up a chair and sat in front of her working table. There were stacks of books on top of the table and out of curiosity i flipped thru each exercise books. There were many pages of essays written waiting to be marked / inspected until I saw there was one piece with the title F-R-I-E-N-D. It was this essay that actually prompted me to write this post. Lately, there's been a lot going on with my friend's issues and honestly most of them are ugly. Only a few ones are worth reminisced with. So, what defines friend?? After so many years of be-friending so many people i still dun have a clue on the real definition of friends. Are they the ones who will abandon u cause they're are jealous when they saw u're being close with other friends or are they the ones who will be there for u when u're in need of help? My mom always said that at the end of the day we'll know if the people around us really is our friend when we are in desperate need of help. So far i've had friends who been treating me well all these years. They were the ones who i can actually turn to when i really need some company. They were there when i need some1's advice. They were there when i need some1 to accompany when i'm down. They were there to listen when i've got so much in me that i'd like to let it out. They were there when i left something behind and helped me to pick it up and they were there especially when i need to really just go out and have some comfort food. For me, this kinda friends are just the ones i need to be in a part of my life now..
One of my crazy F6 Friends:

UTeM friends:

And Finally my bestest and closest FRIEND:
One of my crazy F6 Friends:
UTeM friends:
And Finally my bestest and closest FRIEND:
Thursday, February 19, 2009
One of these days..
I dun know why but i jus had a sudden knack to use 'one of these days' as the title of this post. Though as dull as it may sound, but, they actually reflect where i am at this point of my life. I know these few words is kinda big for a 22 year-old-going-to-be to say, haven even legally pass the mark yet and yet i felt like so many things have been going on as if i've lived my life for thousands of years. So many things have been going on for the past few days and i felt like i'm on a roller coaster ride without a stop button for me to push. U can say that this blog is a cry of tiredness from an undergraduate or anything u like but all i can say is that i'm beginning to feel that i'm going to lose it in my life.. Right now?? I'm still hoping that maybe one day or some day that there will be a hope that i can hang on to so that i can support myself..
Friday, February 6, 2009
Sit Back N Relax!
The last week was the most hectic week that i had in my entire life! First there was 2 proposal on my hand which i need to submit by the end of friday. Then, there's 2 more reports that i need to come up with which subsequently needs me to submit on the next day and then there's another assignment where i need to come up with four ideas for a product not to mention a test on last monday night. Hmm.. Not bad for a week after all the fun i had for chinese new year huh?
At least now everything is back to normal for the time being. I dun have to rush my butt off in rushing to come up with something which i need to submit the next day.. The most serious letdown that i had for last week is definitely the test that i had on monday night. Well, u cant say that i did not study for the test. I did and personally i think i was okay on it. I paid attention while i was in the class and in the end?? All the questions in the paper were like aliens to me.. It seemed as if i jus saw them for the first time and i was only able to answer few questions of it.
As if the situation is not bad enuf for me, one of the lecturer have to suspect that i was copying answer from my friend who is sitting next to me. Unfortunately for him, there was no any proof that we were 'toyol-ing' (as they would say in Malay..) where he could jus grab our paper and left a big O on top of the paper. Serves him right anyway. Only after a few dunb minutes standing behind me was he ready to go away. It was alread predicted that i wont do well in this paper when i first sat for the paper the first few minutes.
If u thought that after the test everything will be alright for me then u thought wrong.. Apparently there are tonnes of work waiting there at the corner for me to complete them and what a hell of a week it has been. First there's the proposal that i mentioned earlier then there's the never ending report that the lecturers kept shoving in my direction. Anyway, in the end as usual, an undergraduate also manages to finish their assigned work on time so it's all good. At least now i'm back at home and am finally able to relax before going off into the hectic lifestyle again..
Taken during the hecticness:
At least now everything is back to normal for the time being. I dun have to rush my butt off in rushing to come up with something which i need to submit the next day.. The most serious letdown that i had for last week is definitely the test that i had on monday night. Well, u cant say that i did not study for the test. I did and personally i think i was okay on it. I paid attention while i was in the class and in the end?? All the questions in the paper were like aliens to me.. It seemed as if i jus saw them for the first time and i was only able to answer few questions of it.
As if the situation is not bad enuf for me, one of the lecturer have to suspect that i was copying answer from my friend who is sitting next to me. Unfortunately for him, there was no any proof that we were 'toyol-ing' (as they would say in Malay..) where he could jus grab our paper and left a big O on top of the paper. Serves him right anyway. Only after a few dunb minutes standing behind me was he ready to go away. It was alread predicted that i wont do well in this paper when i first sat for the paper the first few minutes.
If u thought that after the test everything will be alright for me then u thought wrong.. Apparently there are tonnes of work waiting there at the corner for me to complete them and what a hell of a week it has been. First there's the proposal that i mentioned earlier then there's the never ending report that the lecturers kept shoving in my direction. Anyway, in the end as usual, an undergraduate also manages to finish their assigned work on time so it's all good. At least now i'm back at home and am finally able to relax before going off into the hectic lifestyle again..
Taken during the hecticness:
Sunday, February 1, 2009
A Fulfilling CNY
I have to say this CNY happens to be the most 'FULFILLING' one for me.. When i say fulfilling i meant the food that i had throughout this CNY. Well, the angpau part was ok though i'm almost left with nothing now, but, i still had a great time this CNY. Almost from day 1 i've been eating till today.. So basically i've put on weight when i'm back in sban for one week. When ever i'm over at relatives house i'll be eating off the biscuits and the drinks. Then there was the gathering with shin they all.. That almost add up to the expenses which i can spend for the whole week back in malacca.. Today i had brunch with N and F over at royal bintang.. Finally the 3 of us can gather and have lunch together like we USED to.. I was enjoying myself during the whole course of the meal and it was really really relaxing when i'm with them.. It does feel good when you with te people u can get along with.. Hopefully we can do this more often in the future.. But N try to pick somewhere which is more cheaper next time.. My wallet is dying over here...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
CNY 2009
Happy Chinese New Year n Gong Hei Fatt Choi!!!! CNY is here and i'm ready to grab as much angpau as i can!! HAHA.. For this year's CNY i really dun have much to do.. unlike last time where i have to clean up my room and the house for the celebration. This time around i dun even have to move a finger as i'm not around the house. Well, i guess being an undergraduate is not bad afterall.. Heck u even get to get angpau for all this.. Not bad huh? Since 26th is the first day of CNY, so, i had my reunion dinner on the 25th. Surprisingly, my bro is back in town to join us for the dinner. I was a bit surprised at first, but, at least he's back (which means that he'll be around for quite some time.. there goes my private space for the room.. sigh..) This year's reunion dinner have to be the best one yet with all the chicken, roast duck, prawns and fish.. The only let down of this is the dinner list does not include 'Yee Sang'.. Which is one of my favourites during CNY. I have to admit though.. Eventhough it's CNY, but, the atmosphere jus dun feel like we're having CNY at all.. Jus the occasional exploding sound of the firecrackers and the lion dance to remind me that we're having CNY now.. Still, i'm feeling a bit bored for this CNY. Maybe it's becoz of the assignments and the test that i have to study for.. Who wouldn't lose their mood if they have to do all these during the CNY? I mean isn't CNY meant holiday??? The lecturers jus have to give u tonnes of things to do at times where u really got a chance to finally relax and makes u feel miserable. Anyway, it's CNY so its better if i dun spoil my mood jus yet.. So, the first day of CNY was celebrated in Malacca.. Yup.. I'm studying in Malacca and i have to celebrate CNY there.. How ironic is that?? Maybe i should consider moving there next.. WAIT.. I am moving there this coming July... Silly of me.. Coming to Malacca wasn't the best idea for me as there are actually some people that i prefer not to meet, but, given that i'll get red packets so i had to force myself to move my butt and get over it. Once there, it was not as bad as i thought.. Jus mediocre. Still feeling a bit bored. Today's the 2nd day of CNY so i'm hoping that things will be brighter for me in the remaining days of this joyous celebration. Hopefully many angpaus along the way too :)
Taken at the reunion dinner :
Taken at the reunion dinner :
Monday, January 12, 2009
It is 720 am now and the reason i'm waking this early is avoiding the demonstration against the violence of Israelis in Palestin. According to the sources, the personnel working in the hostel would go to each apartment to inspect whether we attend the demonstration or not. Hence, i'm here in McD this early in the morning writing this blog. Apparently, when i passed by the hallway below my hostel, they had this sheets posted up against the wall. It's written there about boy-cotting stuffs that are related to Israeli. Guess wat? McD and Arsenal was in the list. Okay... I know i'm dumb but i dun see any relations between this. Anyway, jus the night before this morning i did something really awkward n it has taken years for me to overcome this.. Yes. It's my phobia against the night. Not that i have phobia against the night jus that i have issues with the darkness at night. Well, u know CNY is jus ard the corner and it's getting a bit windy over here at AK (which is a good thing rather than the non-stop hot weather that Malacca is famous for..). So wat happened was the wind was kinda strong last night and coincidently i had my window open to let the flow of the wind thru. Who knows jus as i was about getting ready to go to bed the wind slam against the window sill n it was making those creaking sounds that u would hear in those old-creaked house n it really jus gave me the creeps. So, being afraid of the night all the time that sound just scared the hell out of me n i had to wake my roomate up just to accompany me until the other roomate was in bed. It was kinda safe to know that there's some1 there for u when u really needed some1 beside u at times like this. I know it's a bit weird for stuff like this coming out from a guy but heck sometimes a guy do feel this way. All this have to thank my friend for telling me those horror stories the other day. All those horror stories jus hyped me up and it really made me more afraid of the dark even more. Well, according to the net Noctiphobia meant fear of the night but they have other symptoms which confuses me. Anyways it is the most appropriate term for me right now coz afraid of the dark is wat i am..
Friday, January 9, 2009
The New 09'
Before i start writing my first entry here, i have to admit that i din realize i actually had an account here way back in 2007. Before this it has always been blogging over at friendsters, but, now it seems blogspot is the latest IT spot in town. So, i guess i'll just give it a try. I have to say that it is kinda confusing at first though. Reminds me of the first time i started using Facebook. Well, we never know how it will turn out before giving it a try right? So now here i am writing a first new entry at blogspot. It's been a week since new year and a new year for new resolutions. Seriously? I never had any resolutions for any new year, but, given that i had a bad 08' last year i think maybe this year i'll get myself a new year's resolution afterall.. People often say that once we've reached a new year all our luck will change. But, so far mine doesn't seem to have changed. Maybe my luck wheel got rusty or something that's y there's no changes in it. So far there's only been going down hill for me this new year with a few problems with my family and a few struggling in my studies and juggling on my managements. So all i got to say is hopefully everything will change back to its course n the moment will be the better before CNY. Hopefully no more dramas to endure during the new year. Before i forgets i'd like to wish every1 a happy new year :)
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