At least now everything is back to normal for the time being. I dun have to rush my butt off in rushing to come up with something which i need to submit the next day.. The most serious letdown that i had for last week is definitely the test that i had on monday night. Well, u cant say that i did not study for the test. I did and personally i think i was okay on it. I paid attention while i was in the class and in the end?? All the questions in the paper were like aliens to me.. It seemed as if i jus saw them for the first time and i was only able to answer few questions of it.
As if the situation is not bad enuf for me, one of the lecturer have to suspect that i was copying answer from my friend who is sitting next to me. Unfortunately for him, there was no any proof that we were 'toyol-ing' (as they would say in Malay..) where he could jus grab our paper and left a big O on top of the paper. Serves him right anyway. Only after a few dunb minutes standing behind me was he ready to go away. It was alread predicted that i wont do well in this paper when i first sat for the paper the first few minutes.
If u thought that after the test everything will be alright for me then u thought wrong.. Apparently there are tonnes of work waiting there at the corner for me to complete them and what a hell of a week it has been. First there's the proposal that i mentioned earlier then there's the never ending report that the lecturers kept shoving in my direction. Anyway, in the end as usual, an undergraduate also manages to finish their assigned work on time so it's all good. At least now i'm back at home and am finally able to relax before going off into the hectic lifestyle again..
Taken during the hecticness:
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