If coming back to your own house feeling tired and exhausted is not enough, maybe you should try coming home to one that looks like it's been muggled and looking like a rubbish dump. Even my dog stays in a cleaner environment than this. Seriously, it doesn't take that long a time to reach the rubbish bin. If that's not enough, try coming home to a house where there're papers scattered all over the table and wires snaking through here and there. There. IS THAT ANNOYING OR DISGUSTING? I dun know which i felt more now.
It has been tiring and somewhat crazy for the past few days that i think i'm going to go all 'koo-koo-in-the-head' all too soon. Honestly, can somebody please help enlighten me? Sleeping late IS bad enough. Not getting enough sleep almost everyday IS bad enough. Occasional headaches IS bad enough. Not leaving out worrying about the assignments are bad enough. And now the last thing that i really need is to come back to a home that i need to worry as well. Here i was thinking home is a place that you can come back to relax...
Out of the blue, there seems to be a trend going on around lately. The slimming method or should i say the express way to diet. It really amazes me of the extent that people are willing to go to achieve that particularly goal. I'm not trying to say that it's bad or anything since the choice is theirs to make - just hope that in the end it's worthwhile. For some, they would consort to eating vegetables as their only input for the whole day. Not exactly all green but with occasional meat here and there (but that can be considered seldom).
For me, i don't think that's even necessary. I've never been the thinnest one and i've never been the thickest one. Once upon a time i might have use that as the last resort to lose all those weight that i once have, but come to think of it, my weight has been the weight that i have for the years past that i couldn't recall. Well, for those of you out there - hope all your efforts will be paid off and all the best. For the others - KEEP THE GOD DAMN HOUSE CLEAN! Don't be such a F.
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