I was in and about this morning at my aunt's house to help her with her chores again. After staying up late last night i really lose all the strength to just walk about for another minute, so, what i did was i pulled up a chair and sat in front of her working table. There were stacks of books on top of the table and out of curiosity i flipped thru each exercise books. There were many pages of essays written waiting to be marked / inspected until I saw there was one piece with the title F-R-I-E-N-D. It was this essay that actually prompted me to write this post. Lately, there's been a lot going on with my friend's issues and honestly most of them are ugly. Only a few ones are worth reminisced with. So, what defines friend?? After so many years of be-friending so many people i still dun have a clue on the real definition of friends. Are they the ones who will abandon u cause they're are jealous when they saw u're being close with other friends or are they the ones who will be there for u when u're in need of help? My mom always said that at the end of the day we'll know if the people around us really is our friend when we are in desperate need of help. So far i've had friends who been treating me well all these years. They were the ones who i can actually turn to when i really need some company. They were there when i need some1's advice. They were there when i need some1 to accompany when i'm down. They were there to listen when i've got so much in me that i'd like to let it out. They were there when i left something behind and helped me to pick it up and they were there especially when i need to really just go out and have some comfort food. For me, this kinda friends are just the ones i need to be in a part of my life now..
One of my crazy F6 Friends:

UTeM friends:

And Finally my bestest and closest FRIEND:
cheers ding~ alwiz by ur side yea~
Ohhh... I feel so flattered... we'll always be there for better or for worst... even when I'm far, far away...
dear...i realy duno wat 2 say aft reading tis...dear...i noe tat tis few weeks might b ur toughest weeks in ur life.u hvta go thru so many unhappy thgs n suffer alone...dear...soli 4 being so late 2 noe bout it...i realy hope u r alrite n better now.8 least now...i were so worried bout u tat day.dear...trust me.evthg ll b fine soon.dun worry.although i duno i can help u onot n i duno whether i'm included in ur frens list onot?but i stil hope tat u owez happy.i lik 2 c u smile wif me instead of u dun talk 2 me n thking of many thgs deeply inside ur heart.i lik u talk 2 me n joke wif me...dear...i realy hope i can a a happy u soon...lik b4...promise?n last juz wana say if u wana talk 2 sum1. i'm owez waiting 4 u, who willing listen 2 u...gambateh dear...
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