Saturday, August 15, 2009


It's officially the third now since the gut-wrenching stomachache began. Am still trying to figure out wat i ate the last few days. At the moment, the prime suspect to this is the 'bubur cha-cha'. You can say it's my own fault and my foolish non-stop-eating mouth anyway. Who would've thought an innocent looking bowl of 'bubur cha-cha' can put me thru this horrifying experience. What happened as a cooling dessert turned out to be a nightware. It has been blistering over here in Malacca for the last few days, so, wat happened was my roommate (being a moderate cooker as he is) had prepared dessert - the infamous bubur cha-cha for every1 the previous night. I dun know whether it's fortunate or unfortunate that he prepared quite a large portion.. As usual, every1 was not able to finish the whole thing off, so, we left the unfinished dessert in the fridge. Well, wat happened the next day was i suddenly had a knack for something cool for the hot afternoon, so, i went to look around in the fridge and found a whole pot full of bubur cha-cha. The whole thing does look a bit sticky at the same time yucky when you first took it out of the fridge, but, since it's cool and i help myself to a bowl of it. Half way through eating that i was beginning to feel a bit stuffed so i went to the kitchen and boiled the whole thing again. Only then does the whole thing tastes right. I guess it's all too late now huh?? Right or not right i've already got wat i deserved eating uncooked food from the fridge. This is only one of the suspect. The others that i have in mind could be the spicy chicken patty that my housemate cooked the other night. Being a not-so-spicy eater, it's always been known that i can't take food that are too spicy. God knows wat would happen after that right? But since that night, out of the blue, i was feeling hungry as a wolf, stuffed myself with one of those spicy chicken patty and the spicy noodles. Well, ever since that day i've been having stomach ache till today. I've already lost count on the times i wen to the bathroom.. Only myself to blame for this huh? Maybe lisa was right - i shouldn't be so 'tan chi' haha..
P/S : F, u're not helping in the facebook!

1 comment:

asiong said...
