You know, people often said that whenever you have troubles that you can't figure out; take a stroll and breathe in fresh air. Surprisingly, it does help. Honestly, after having so much troubles and going through emotional hard times, i thought the time has final come where i do not have to worry about a thing at all. It is always, in my ignorance, that there's always an end to everything.
The most unfortunate thing that's happened is - i have to learned it the hard way. I do not know if this is a challenge set unto me by God (i'm not even those religious type) or these are just some challenging phase that a person has to go through - to be considered as the learning process. Who would have thought that trouble can come from petty matters. No wonder they say troubles come in different sizes.
Sitting under the moon not so long ago, i had to re-evaluate on the things that i have or have not done, the words that i have or have not said and the actions that i have or have not done. There's just one reasonable reason to it, it seems when you treat some body u 'think' it's right, it's always not. You thought that if you've tried hard enough to satisfy other people that they will come to appreciate you for who you are. That's not the case either.
Tell me, how many of you believe in Karma? Karma really is a bitch ain't it? For those of you that I've accidentally or not by accident hurt you at all, i'm sorry. Without any apparent reasons, i seem to be always caught up in arguments where it would seem petty to some people, but, to some it matters more.
Over the years, we have come to realize that if we treat other people as we are, giving advice should other people seek it from us and to be a listener when some1 needs somebody to listen to that that person in return would come to understand you. This my friend, is just a naive thinking.
The only person in the world who would treat us and accept you as you are is your family. The only person in the world who would give you advice should you seek it is your family. The only person in the world who would understand you MORE than any1 else is your Parents. This, is not a naive thought. It's a hard fact.
I'm surprised that it took me this long to figure this out. Who do we think we are to feel that we are able to give other people advice when we on our own can't even fix a problem when it hit us in the face? Who do we think we are to feel that we know more than any1 else? That we have reached the stage where we can see a person for what he/she really is?
Under the moon did i come to realize that, being friends we should just stay as friends. There shouldn't be a time where a friendship is biased. That you would only be friends with those that you think would succumb to whatever you think is right. That the friends you have have to listen to whatever you have got to say. That the friends around you have to be friends with those that you think is worthy to be seen together with you.
Under the moon did i come to realize that, no matter how hard you tried to be good to a person, they will never see it. Even if they do, that's just not what they feel at the moment. They only say that to comfort you. Who are we to know what the other feels? Even a heart surgeon can't tell. Having said that, it saddens me to see that after all these times, the people that we thought knew us the most and the person that we thought would know us best would come around to us and shove things up to our faces. Things which we would never have expected.