Facebook. Mention the word facebook and who doesn't knows what's a facebook these days? (except for my parents.They are ignorant on these things.) Before facebook, we have the friendster. Now, facebook has come to dominate the world with all its interesting applications and games (which i ignored most of the time, so, dun bother sending those to me). Apparently, the facebook is so great that we can even use it to search for friends which we thought have gone far away from this planet, though, i've nvr tried that out since i dun have much friends (all thanks to me being nerdy the whole time). Even my supervisors in Samsung Corning have facebook account, so, of course I myself has an account for it. I was first introduced to facebook by my friends, Nic and Fauz where i was reluctant to join at first. It was really confusing when i started using the facebook as we need to allow applications to be used in this social tool and writing on other ppl's wall as well as poking them. Poking? Seriously? I can nvr get over that. It's like we're able to feel the poking when some1 poked us. All these took a new turn when the applications like games are introduced into this social network, petsociety. I was told of this game by my friend Nic and Fauz eventually and as usual, I was not really keen on playing it. Then, for no reason, i started to get hooked on it when i was having my semester break during the last year and would play it whenever i'm on facebook. Now, i can officially say that i've completely abandoned the pet that i have over there. Apart from the pet society, there's new games out in town now and they are the barn buddy and the hotel city. It's really astounding as u actually have ppl waking up in the wee hours in the morning just to check up on the status of the games. Well, it looks like sleep is no longer important in our lives anymore. Then, came the revelation of my fren where he said he can't sleep without turning off his laptop. The reason being that he have to wake up in the night jus to check on his facebook profile. I wonder if they have any rehab for those that are addicted to facebook to the extreme level?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Clash of the Titans
Alright, i have to make one thing clear here - why is the Clash of the Titans 2010 not nice?? I've been asking every1 who've watched the movie and all the answers that i got is it's not worth the money to watch it, the storyline sucks, the 3D's bad, the whole thing's bad.. But, from what i saw in the reviews, the movie has made it to the top of the box office and from my own point of view (since i watched it last night, finally, thank you.) the movie is not bad. Although i managed to not able to focus at the beginning of the movie (thanks to Mr. Man Kit who kept on comparing the characters of the movie to DOTA throughout the whole movie), but, i still managed to catch up on it. You know, while watching the movie, i was kept wondering that whether those of you who've watched the movie saw the first one since this is the remake of the old one. Well, if you've watched the first one then you wouldn't get confused with this remake of Clash of Titans. For one, i did watched the old COTT. I still have the vague memory of watching the movie with VCR. The movie was made in 1981 and i was born in 1987. I know it's kinda far-fetched, but, i like movies that are in the fantasy genre. So, it does not come as a surprise if i watch this movie when i still young at age :) Anyhow, i'm just trying to say that for those nay-sayers that said this movie is bad - you should've watched the first part first before going to watch this one.. Then, you'll know :)
The first COTT (1981):

The remake of COTT (2010):

The first COTT (1981):
The remake of COTT (2010):
Kelly Clarkson All I Ever Wanted Live in Malaysia 25 Apr 2010
Last night was the best night of the year! KC had her first concert here in M'sia and i was lucky enough to rock with her!!! One word for her performance - AMAZING!!! She was practically singing non-stop for one half hours and still managed to belt out all the high notes. Who would have thought that the first concert i ever went was Kelly Clarkson! All in all the concert was great and i really had a great time listening to her singing all her hits as well as covers of some great songs. Well, i din know it was her bday the day before the concert, so, happy belated birthday kelly!!!! The opening act for the concert is not bad as well - our very own idol, Jaclyn Victor and the million star, Suki. Both great singers in their own rights. All this wouldnt have happened without the help of my dearest friend, Nic!!!! Nic, have i told u i love u so much????!!!!! HAHAHA!! Thanks a lot!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The Most Boring of The Days
I could not rmbr when was the last time i visited this site. Few months ago maybe? The first time back here and i have to start my entry on the topic - BORING. If only my life isn't that boring. We complained boring when we've got nothing to do. We complained when we've got too much to do and we certainly will complain we're given things that we dun like to do. Hmm.... I wonder.. Would the world be better off if we dun do anything? If my supervisor back in SCM sees this entry (which i doubt he will...), he'll definitely says to my face that we're just wasting our time if we dun do anything. I got to say during my whole course of training in SCM, i've certainly learned things that i wont ever forgets in my life - patience. But really, will patience account for anything when you're feeling bored all over your head? It wont! Stuck here in a place where it's famous for its hot weather and its boredomness (for me at least).... I cant seem to find anything to do. What's worst? I have a rental house over here and i din even have the courage to go back. Why? The place is too darn dirty and messy that it reminds me of a garbage whenever i'm there... Lord pls have mercy upon this soul!
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